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Mid-week Message (April 29)

Good afternoon.

I wanted to write a little update on all things Baker.  This has been a journey for everyone.  Teachers, support staff, parents, and students have all needed to take on new roles.  We have had to work outside our comfort zones and create our new normal.  I would like to thank the RIBMS staff as well as the students and parents working to champion this new reality.

I need everyone to know that our teachers and support staff are literally waiting to help your children. If you or your child have ANY concerns or questions, DO NOT hesitate to contact them.  They want to hear from you.  They need to hear from you.  It is this dialogue where we will lower anxieties, solve problems, and increase productivity.  If for some reason you need to reach a staff member and have been unsuccessful, call the school office.  We will make sure you are supported.  Please continue to connect in your Google classrooms, engage in your learning tasks, and peek at our exploratory classes for a change in pace and some pretty fun and engaging activities.

Through the student survey and some much appreciated communication from teachers and parents, I have come up with a top ten list of questions I think parents would like to hear answered.

1.  My child is struggling and so am I as a parent, How can we get some support?
Communicate with your child's teacher.  We cannot tell you're having difficulties if we do not hear from you.  You can email or call the school and speak with the administration. We will make sure you are  supported.  We have teachers and support staff waiting to connect with your kids in small groups or 1:1.  Please communicate with us!

2. My child needs more of a challenge.  The work provided seems to be a breeze, what can we do to challenge my child?
Some teachers have an "if you are finished" extra task option to further challenge some of those kids who may be done early.  If your child would like to be challenged in a specific class, please communicate that to the teacher.  We will work to provide some extra experiences for you.

3. How much school work should my child be doing per week?
We have based most of what we do on six to eight hours depending on student ability.  Of course there may be opportunity for additional work if requested.  

4. Is what we do for marks?  Does it even matter if we miss an assignment?
Yes and yes.  We are collecting marks for the assignments given.  The marks are important to show growth or to assist in further understanding. The grades received will also go towards your final report card grade.  Having said that, we understand that everyone has different circumstances and stress levels.  The mental health of our students is very important to us.  If at any time you feel overwhelmed, please contact us.  We will work to support you in any way possible.  

5. Will we get report cards?
Yes, report cards will be issued at the end of the school year.  The grades will be based on your understanding of the curriculum.  The only way you can improve your grade is to complete your assignments you are given in Google Classroom.

6. I have many other family responsibilities in our new reality.  Can some of my due dates be flexible?
Absolutely!  You do need to communicate to your teacher and explain your situation.  We are always willing to support you in any way we can.

7. I would like to start or continue to see the school counselor.  Can this happen when we are not in school?
For sure!  You need to email Mrs. T at the email listed below.  She will take you through the quick and easy steps to begin connecting with you.

8. Will we be back in school this year?  Will we be able to return in September?
We do not know.  We closely follow what Alberta Health officials are recommending.  We would love nothing more than to see your smiling faces again, however, we need to make sure we follow the recommendations of AB Health and above all, we want to keep everyone safe.

9. Are you taking attendance right now?
Yes, teachers are in constant communication with other staff members regarding who has been online, and contributed to class discussions.  If trends start to take place, we will follow up to see how things are going.

And the number one question we have been asked here at Baker....

10. Have Mr. Smith's jokes gotten funnier over the last month?
No, Although Mr. Smith tries, he is still not that funny.

I hope that this list of ten frequently asked questions have helped you in some way.  If you have a question that did not make our top 10 list, please do not hesitate to contact your teacher or the office.  Thank you for your communication so far, and please continue to connect with our staff who are eagerly waiting to support you.  As the weather is getting nicer, get out and enjoy it...just remember to connect with us and get in some learning as well!!

Take care and stay safe,
Mr. Prebs

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