Year End Assembly Info
Grade 8: 8:45am - 9:45am
We are very excited to say that our farewell ceremony for the grade 8’s will take place in our gym this year. Our digital ceremony and parade will no longer take place as COVID restrictions have been lifted. This in-person ceremony will include honours recognition as well as our merit award. We are very excited to have parents and family of our grade 8 students join us. The entire school will also be in attendance
so I recommend showing up around 8:30 to make sure you get a seat.
Grade 5: 9:50am - 10:35am
Grade 7: 10:45am - 11:45am
Grade 6: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Parents and families are welcome at all of our grade-level ceremonies. Certificates will be given out and a slideshow of the year’s activities will be shown.