Updated Restrictions at RIBMS
Good day.
As you may have heard Alberta has moved to step two as of March 1st. If you are wondering about how this will look at Baker, I have provided some further details for you.
The provincial masking mandate is removed in most settings in Step 2. In alignment with Step 2, school authorities will not require anyone entering the school to wear a mask, unless in accordance with isolation requirements. Individual family choices will be respected and individuals will not be stigmatized for their choice related to masking going forward. Staff and students can continue to wear masks if they choose to. RIBMS will support students and staff who choose to wear masks.
We do have remaining rapid test kits and masks that have been supplied, we will continue to provide them to any students and staff who request them.
Please note that while the provincial masking mandate has been removed, there are still instances, such as related to isolation and on public transit, when masking is required.
As part of Step 2, RIBMS will not be required to cohort students. While cohorting is no longer required, we will continue with our current bell schedules and timetables. We will be holding in person assemblies and mixed activities and outings as they come up in the year. Parent teacher conferences coming up on March 16 & 17 will continue to be online. We will likely move toward a hybrid model after that.
The mandatory requirements to isolate have not changed. Additional information related to isolation and masking is available in the Guidance for K-12 schools and school buses.
Vaccine policies
R.I. Baker will not require parents, volunteers or other non-school employees to show proof of vaccination. Parents, volunteers and other non-school employees are required to follow all provincial health orders and guidelines that are applicable in schools.
Shifts to at-home learning
For the time being, the school shift process for provincial school authorities will remain. School authorities have the discretion to shift a grade or class to at-home learning should it be operationally required. Example: If any illness or staff absentee rate affects the schools ability to operate, we may look into more efficient options.
I understand that some are excited for the new changes, and to some it can provide some anxiety. Please continue to maintain your personal level of comfort as much as possible, we at the school are committed to respect that.
If you have further questions, please contact me anytime.
Thank you,
Jason Prebushewski