Report Paints picture of growing literacy culture
Click here for a PDF file of this letter.
Click here for a PDF file of this report.
Report paints picture of growing literacy culture
Palliser publication shares timely info to prevent summer reading loss
Palliser Regional Schools is committed to reporting to its stakeholders information about the educational programs and services being offered to the students we serve.
To that end, the Board of Trustees of Palliser Regional Schools is pleased to present “Leadership in Literacy,” the second annual report on the significant commitment of time and resources to ensuring all of our students develop the literacy skills they need for success in school and in life.
An electronic version of this four-page report can be downloaded here and copies are being distributed widely by email and post.
This report provides an overview of the literacy work occurring across our division in elementary, middle and high schools and it includes timely tips for ensuring young readers don’t lose reading skills during the so-called “summer slide.” Some of the ideas came from the parents, staff and students who participated in Palliser’s “A Community Conversation 2015,” a division-wide stakeholder meeting the Board of Trustees held in May.
The publication also includes links to a series of videos about literacy in our division. Please watch as our Literacy Coach Bev Smith conducts a Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment of a young reader; then visit former literacy coach Connie Adserballe in her classroom at Sunnyside School, where she demonstrates the responsive teaching that occurs daily as she creates a culture of reading; and finally, go behind-the scenes with our Academic Wrap-Around Team as they work with school staff to support the learning needs of a student who is struggling. The series demonstrates the important work occurring all year to ensure every student has the opportunities and benefits that come from strong literacy skills.
The document includes scannable QR codes to take readers directly to additional information about literacy. You can download a free QR code reader on your smartphone.
Superintendent Kevin Gietz said the report’s title, “Leadership in Literacy,” reflects the work our dedicated staff led in every classroom across the division. This investment in literacy is an investment in our students and our communities.
Thank you for taking the time to review this report. We invite you to share your feedback by email at or by calling Palliser’s Central Office at 403-328-4111 or toll-free 1-877-667-1234. You may also request a paper copy of this report by email or phone.
For more information about literacy in Palliser, please visit the Literacy section of our division website at