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March 16 & 17 Parent Teacher Interviews

As they were in the fall, this term's parent/teacher interviews will be online and by appointment only.

RIBMS is continuing to use the online appointment booking system for Parent Teacher Interviews, the system will be live MARCH 1, 2021. Please click on the link below and follow these simple instructions to book your PTI time slot:

- Click on the “Register” tab (top right corner)
- Enter your Name, Phone Number, email address
- Create a User ID and Password
- Click “Register Now”
- Click “Add a Student”
- Enter Student’s name
- Click “Insert”
- Click on your Students Name when it appears.
- Follow the instructions given on screen.**Please be sure to select the correct Date and Grade level**
- Click “View Calendar”
- Click on the Time Slot you would like for your interview
- Click “Book Appointment”
- Repeat the above steps for the number of students you have at RI Baker.
- Once you have all appointments booked, Click on “Print Appointments” and you will have a hard copy of your child’s appointment times.
- Click “Log Out” (top right hand corner)

Once you have your appointments booked, the platform we will be using to chat with Parents is Google Meet. The invites, links and instructions for accessing these online appointments will be posted on our website closer to the interview dates. Please stay tuned for these important further instructions!

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