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School Planning Meeting - Follow Up

Palliser Regional Schools held an open house Jan. 31 to share information about each of the Coaldale-area schools, including facility challenges and opportunities, enrolment and programs.

The open house was to encourage stakeholders to brainstorm ideas for making the best use of the facilities already serving the community and adjust for community growth.

As part of the evening, stakeholders were encouraged to review storyboard information about each of the schools in Coaldale and at Sunnyside and to talk to school administrators about their perspective and concerns. Forms were provided on which stakeholders could make their suggestions and concerns known.

If you weren’t able to attend the event, you can review the information presented, including the Powerpoint and storyboards on the Palliser website at

The documents are available in PDF format for printing or JPGs for viewing online. You’ll also find information on how you can share your ideas, suggestions or concerns.

Feedback submitted by Feb. 7, 2017 will be reviewed to identify key themes which will then be shared with stakeholders for further consideration.

Please visit the Palliser website for more information.

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