Use of Microwaves at Lunch
Hello parents,
Now that we have the school year up and running, we have been able to examine how we can introduce microwaves back into our lunch hour. In the past we have had a line up of microwaves in our foyer and when our entire school ate lunch together students used them at will. As we remain in interesting COVID times, we were unable to start the year this way. As a school, and most of us as parents, we do understand the convenience of sending leftovers or heatable lunches.
Starting Monday, September 13th we will be opening microwave lunches up to students in classrooms. We do have limited microwaves so we will need to have a few guidelines around the usage. Students have a limited time to eat before recess, and it is important that all students get a chance to eat lunch. If you wish to send your child with a heatable lunch, please read and adhere to the following guidelines.
1. Please do not send a lunch that requires more than 60 seconds to heat in a standard microwave. Items like cup of soup/noodles or microwavable macaroni and cheese and examples of items that will not be allowed at school. Thawed leftovers or pizza pops are a great example of foods that can be heated.
2. We are limiting microwave use to lunches only. Please do not send heatable snacks like popcorn that also take more than 60 seconds. Microwaves will only be available for use during our lunch hour.
3. If a student is found abusing their microwave privilege they may be asked to not bring lunches that require heating for the remainder of the year.
Just like last year there is always a chance we may see increased restrictions that change how we operate at RIBMS. As always, I am thankful for your support and patience as we work through these difficult times.
Happy heating,
Jason Prebushewski