Tia Giesbrecht

This is my fifth year teaching! I graduated from the University of Lethbridge with Business and Education degrees, and actually completed my final internship at R.I. Baker. Since then, I have taught elementary grades in Vulcan and Picture Butte, but I am MOST excited to be returning as a Grade 6 teacher at Baker. I love teaching and seeing the course of growth throughout the year, but my most favourite subject to teach is math. I love helping students to think of themselves as capable mathematicians and challenge themselves in their learning. When I am not at work, I am studying hard in my Master of Education program at the U of L, tending to my garden, or reading a good book. We have two cats, Brie and Boursin, and we love to travel. Stop by my room and ask me where we are headed for our next trip! We are going to have an AWESOME year together!