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Instructions for Parents/Guardians on accessing The PowerSchool Parent Portal

To successfully access the Parent Portal you will need to follow these steps:

1. Open an internet browser (Google) on your computer (this first step must be done on a computer, not a phone/handheld device)

2. Type into the address bar

3. Choose Create an Account Fill in ALL the blanks under the Parent Account Details section. Please choose/create your own unique Username and Password. Please remember this information and keep it safe – this is what you will use to log in with at any later date.

Fill in ALL the blanks under the Link Students to Account, This is where you will enter your Confidential ACCESS ID and Confidential ACCESS PASSWORD, if you haven’t received a letter from the school either via our office or your student, providing you these codes, please contact the school office.

Type your Access ID and Access Password exactly as they are printed in said letter (both are case sensitive). You and your student have separate passwords. It is advisable that you keep your username and password secure and not share it with anyone else.

If you have more than one student at a Palliser school (Eg: JEES, RIBMS, KAHS, Sunnyside) you will have unique Access Id’s and Access Passwords for each of your students. You can link up to 7 students to your account. Make sure you hit ENTER when you have all your information complete. You should now have access!

4. View your information and remember to log off when you are finished.

Please keep your passwords confidential so only you can access the information. The Grades and Attendance tab will allow you to check assignments and scores by clicking on the blue percentage across from a class. To email the teacher a question or concern, please click the blue teacher's name link. The Grades History tab will show you the grades your child received in previous grading periods. The Teacher Comments tab is used to access current teacher comments for your student and the School Bulletin tab has current announcements for our school. If you have any questions regarding the use of PowerSchool please contact the school office at 403-345-3340

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